Thursday: August 6, 2009

Daily Update

An incredible week had a great finish, with strong learning, sports and fun. It was down to one final game in the advanced bracket of the 3 on 3 tourney

Rabbi Resnick, Natan Ginsberg, and Moshe Rosenblatt continued their outstanding play and withstood a valiant effort by Nati Schreiber, Dovi Appel and Moshe Marcus. Kudos to this year’s champs! We also resumed our regulr intramural schedule, with spirited contests throughout the afternoon.

Night Seder got a boost with words of chizuk from Rabbi Saul Zucker, Director of the Department of Day School and Educational Services at the OU.

The real excitement of the day was the electrifying post maariv mishmar. Late night learning has been gradually increasing throughout the summer, and on Thursday night the Beit Medrash was definitely the place to be. Extra shiurim were offered by Rav Yehuda Chanales (visiting from TABC) and Doni Abell. There was cholent and kugel at midnight, and a packed house until later than that.