Sunday: July 26, 2009


In this daily feature, we will highlight one aspect of the general Kollel schedule. In the weekly updates and daily phone messages, we will often describe these parts of the day as “a great morning of learning”, or “strong chaburas”. Of course, these descriptions hardly do justice to such integral parts of the NCSY Kollel experience. The “Spotlight” posts on the blog will try to visually fill in some of the blanks

Spotlight #1: Daily Chaburah's

Afternoon learning chaburas have always been the anchor of the NCSY Kollel learning day. There are many factors in the effectiveness of this style of study. The small group size and less formal tone encourage frequent and meaningful contributions from all group members. The topics covered during chabura are carefully selected for each set of NCSYers. But without a doubt, the key to the Chabura is the madrich himself. Madrichim are hybrids of camp counselors and Rabbeim. They offer first-rate shiurim and educational content, while serving as role models throughout the day. They guide the NCSYers thorugh the Beit Medrash, the dormitory, the sports courts, and on tiyulim. Beyond the actual learning, there are special relationships formed that last long after the summer has ended. Members of the chabura form a unique bond with one another, but often the deepest connections made are between the madrich and the NCSYer

Daily Update

Last weekend was our second free Shabbat. NCSYers and staff enjoyed a well-deserved break and traveled all over the country, spending time with friends and family and visiting many beautiful communities in Israel. Some NCSYers opted for a phenomenal Shabbaton in Yeshivat
Reshit Yerushalayim in the stunning community of Beit Shemesh. Joined by the staff of the yeshiva, NCSYers were treated to a great Shabbat as well as an enjoyable Motzei Shabbat basketball tournament.

On Sunday, the Kollel resumed without missing a beat. In the morning, we welcomed Dr. David Luchins who shared his sage perspective on the current relationship between the new Obama administration and the State of Israel.

The sports leagues also continued with a renewed sense of intensity. Beyond the regular leagues, there were two special sports offerings. A full bus went out to Kibbutz Gezer, Israel's
"Field of Dreams", for an afternoon of softball. The games were great, and rhe setting was econd to none. On campus, there was a spirited Roller Hockey tournament.

After dinner, Rav Jesse Horn, one of our popular night rabbeim, delivered the Mussar sicha. And, to top off the day, Rabbi Doni Marcus delivered an optional post-marriv shiur while Yummies served sushi along with its regular selection.



The 9 Days on the NCSY Kollel

It is always strange and somewhat inappropriate to refer to the 9 Days and Tisha B’Av as a “highlight” of the summer. Yet, we are proud that so many NCSYers look back at these days as the most moving and meaningful times on the NCSY Kollel. What makes it so special? First, there is the sheer volume of time we spend learning and discussing topics relating to the Churban. There is hardly a day without some special presentation or shiur in preparation of Tisha B’Av, and these are in addition to the already significant number of hours dedicated to the 9 Days in the regular shiurim and chaburas. More importantly, there are certain constant themes that are tangibly felt throughout our six weeks together. These include Eretz Yisroel, Talmud Torah, and each NCSYer’s own personal relationship with G-d. This context makes the Three Weeks and the Nine Days more meaningful and a more transformative experience

Click Here for Rav Mayer Twersky’s mussar sicha
Introducing the 9 Days
