Today was tiyul day on Kollel again. Most of the NCSYers chose from three options. The first group visited the newly renovated Yad V’Sham Holocaust museum—reinforcing the somber tone that permeates these mournful days. Afterwards, they explored Ir David, site of the ancient city of Yerushalayim, and Chizkiyah’s water tunnel. A second group spent the morning in Ir David and then continued onto the famous Kotel Tunnels where NCSYers walked along the remains of base of the outer retaining walls of the Beit HaMikdash
Meanwhile, our second year NCSYers rolled out at 6:45, and headed for the majestic Judean Hills to visit the holy city of Chevron. Following shacharitg outside the Ma'arat HaMachpelah, the second year guys enjoyed a tour of the city with Chevron's own, R' Simcha Hochbaum. NCSYers also had the opportunity to make sandwiches for Israeli soldiers standing on duty in Chevron
Next they traveled to the Gush Etzion region for a special shiur and Q & A with HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion
The day concluded for them with a meaningful mincha at Kever Rochel
The final group began their day sifting through remains of Har Habayit—the Temple Mount—as part of the ongoing archeological effort in the area. Our very own Ezra Buchbinder caused a considerable amount of excitement among the archeologists as he uncovered a very rare ancient seal. They continued to the cemetery on Har Zeitim accompanied by HaRav Herschel Schachter who enriched everyone's experience with his profound insights. They finished off the day with a tour of the Jewish sites in East Jerusalem.
At night, back in Beit Meir, Kollel was graced by the presence of Rabbi Shimon Green, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Birchat HaTorah in the Old City. He began the evening with a special shuir for the madrichim and staff about the methodology of teaching Gemara and then, addressing the entire Kollel, impressed upon everyone the need to be more G-dly