While there was plenty of learning Wednesday, the main story of the day was the Chesed trips running from late morning through evening. We split up and headed to five different activities, and each was productive and inspiring. Rabbi Freedman’s shiur spent the day at Carmei Ha’Ir, an innovative soup kitchen (www.carmeihair.org.il). Rabbi Cohen’s shiur worked with the residents at Shekel, a home in Yerushalayim for individuals with Special Needs (www.shekel.org.il). Both of these shiurim also visited the new Gush Katif Museum (www.gushkatifmuseum.com), learning about the plight of those affected by the disengagement process three years ago. On that note, Rabbi Gordon’s and Rabbi Issacson’s shiurim traveled to one of the new cities in the south set up for former residents of Gush Katif, and met with community leaders. They then spent time helping rebuild there. Rabbi Yudin’s, Rabbi Rothwach’s and Rabbi Saffer’s shiurim went along with the Standing Together organization (www.stogether.org) to meet with and deliver ice cream to IDF soldiers. And Rabbi Reich’s, Rabbi Schneider’s and Rabbi Marcus’ shiurim toured a base of Nachal Chareidi (www.nahalharedi.org), seeing first hand some of the revolutionary efforts taking place there. They also delivered special care packages and interacted with the soldiers (including Adir Dishy, NCSY Kollel 2005!). All in all it was an extraordinary day of giving and growing. A number of the organizations made a point of contacting us to let us know what a phenomenal job the NCSYers did, and we are certainly proud of their efforts. Back on campus, we jumped right back into learning with a strong night seder. After Ma’ariv the siyum parade continued with Asher Becker and Eli Muschel completing Masechet Megillah
Mazal Tov! NCSY KOLLEL 2009