Daily Update
Excitement, pride and tinges of sadness all were present throughout our last few hours in Beit Meir. Sunday was the last morning shiur, and Sunday night was the final night shiur. In between, there was a thrilling afternoon of sports and competition (see the following post for all details). Afternoon chaburas were postponed until post-maariv, for a dual purpose. First, we used the chaburas to jumpstart the last night Mishmar program. Second, we thought it only appropriate to have the final formal learning be in the form of chaburas. The madrichim have carried the program to great heights this summer, and have been most directly responsible for your sons, inside the beit medrash and out. More than anyone else, the NCSYers recognize the role the madrichim have played, and it certainly was fitting to end the learning of the summer- as it began- with chaburas. We also celebrated yet another three siyumim (no, there cannot be too much of a good thing). Zach Burak and Evan Linder indepently made siyumim on mishnayot Seder Zeraim.
Isaac Shulman and Yakir Forman (no strangers to the siyum podium) boosted the learning with a 1 AM siyum on Masechet Taanit. Great job by all!
Monday has been checkout/farewell day on the Kollel. After checking out of the dorm, we traveled to Yerushalayim for some final shopping and mincha at the Kotel. After that, it was dinner in Beit Meir and a closing program with words from Danny Shulman (Division Head.) And another great summer in Beit Meir draws to a close. NCSY KOLLEL 2009