Daily Update
Two events shared the spotlight on Monday. On the courts, it was the start of our annual 3 on 3 Basketball tournament. In the Beit Medrash, it was the beginning of our second half of night shiurim.
The 3 on 3 tourney is a hit for a variety of reasons. It starts with the overwhelmingly high level of participation. Over 95% of NCSYers and staff joined either our advanced or intermediate brackets. The event serves as a very effective unifier. New teams are formed (beyond our intramural squads), and there are always plenty of spectators and cheering. The competition itself is thrilling, with the unique rules creating a fast moving and frenzied game. We got off to a great start Monday, with the completion of rounds 1, 2, and 3. Jon Lubat, Jon Herskowitz, and Shlomo Schenker were the early favorites, as they played an unbelievable five overtimes in their three games! Night Seder provided a fresh opportunity for learning, with the transition to our second half of shiurim. Many of our first half offerings were back by popular demand, with new options given by Rav Sobolofsky, Rav Tani Lauer, and Eric Wittenberg also proving to be quite popular. The changeover provided a nice boost to our night learning, and the early returns were extremely promising
SpotlightSpotlight #4: Night Seder
Many sources hint to the special power of learning at night. There are a number of facets of the NCSY Summer Kollel Night Seder program that help make this especially true. The two dominant themes of our night learning are “choice” and “individual attention.” Subjects for study are chosen by the NCSYers, and they are free to choose areas that most interest them. Both in the shiurim and in the chavruta hour, there is an emphasis on small groups and high levels of interaction between staff and NCSYers. Of course, the quality of instructors is critical as well, and the outstanding shiurim we offer are of a world-class caliber. Many nights begin with a sicha as part of the mussar seder. The strength of the night program is most evident in the carry over to optional post-maariv learning. This may be the most inspiring time of day on the Kollel! NCSY KOLLEL 2009
Many sources hint to the special power of learning at night. There are a number of facets of the NCSY Summer Kollel Night Seder program that help make this especially true. The two dominant themes of our night learning are “choice” and “individual attention.” Subjects for study are chosen by the NCSYers, and they are free to choose areas that most interest them. Both in the shiurim and in the chavruta hour, there is an emphasis on small groups and high levels of interaction between staff and NCSYers. Of course, the quality of instructors is critical as well, and the outstanding shiurim we offer are of a world-class caliber. Many nights begin with a sicha as part of the mussar seder. The strength of the night program is most evident in the carry over to optional post-maariv learning. This may be the most inspiring time of day on the Kollel! NCSY KOLLEL 2009